Continuing my career in the UK – Alba’s experience

31 Jul 2024

Alba left her career of 17 years in El Salvador, before coming to the UK as a refugee. When Alba joined the Refugee Employability Programme (REP), she met with her Case Manager Georgina, who she made an instant connection with.

Georgina identified with Alba that improving her English would increase her chances of continuing her career in administration in the UK. Together they explored other suited job opportunities that aligned with the Spanish language, so that Alba could work whilst pursuing English language studies. This would help her to improve her English without the pressure of fluency.

“Alba connected with Helen and Sara, our dedicated ESOL trainers, who guided Alba through countless language exercises. Alba’s determination to learn was evident as she practiced tirelessly, turning broken words into flourishing conversations,” said Georgina.

Our Case Managers can assess current ability and if needed, refer to an ESOL Trainer. Our ESOL Trainers deliver in-person English classes and can deliver online too. The group classes with other likeminded learners help with engaging in English conversations, meeting new people in the community and overall, a better understanding of the English language.

Together Alba and Georgina created a new CV and cover letter, tailored for a cleaning role at her local health charity. With support from Georgina, she applied for the role, and with help from the rest of the team at REP, Alba completed mock interviews, honing her answers and building her confidence, ready for the real thing.

Alba was invited to interview for the cleaning role, and was able to put her practice to use, which paid off. Going into the interview with a newfound confidence and leaving with a job offer was a highlight of Alba’s new chapter in the UK.

Georgina shared: “We provided Alba with a monthly travel pass, to ensure her financial transition back into work didn’t impact her. Alba’s English continues to improve day by day, and her new manager is so impressed by her efforts, that they have suggested a role in their administration department on completion of her English course.

“Alba’s story reminds us that barriers can be overcome, and dreams can flourish even in unfamiliar lands. Congratulations Alba, and best of luck for the future!”