About us

Information about our delivery of the Refugee Employability Programme.

Who We Are

The Refugee Employability Programme is provided in your area by Reed in Partnership.

We have three partner organisations who help us to provide the service. They are Catch22, Shaw Trust and Triage.

You will get the same service whichever organisation you see.

Reed in Partnership has been helping people to change their lives for the better since 1998. In that time we have helped more than 250,000 people to find a job. We have also helped over 20,000 refugees who have arrived in England.

This service is funded by the UK Government.

A Refugee Employability Programme Case Manager at work

Why this is important

Refugees can face barriers to integrating into life in the UK and becoming self-sufficient.

Refugees in general are over 20% less likely to be in employment than the rest of the UK population. For refugee women, this employment gap is even higher with employment rates over 30% lower than UK born women. It can take as long as 25 years for this gap to close.

It is important that any Government offer of support addresses these barriers so refugees can enter the labour market and contribute to the economy faster than they otherwise would.

For the refugee themselves, this support builds their confidence, skills and motivation, all of which help them to find work and secure better prospects for themselves and their families.

A refugee smiling while using her phone at home